GSO Test

A Confident, Creative Community


Intent: What do we want our children to learn?

Our PSHE curriculum supports our children to leave primary school with the skills and attitudes they need to become resilient, respectful and responsible citizens. We aim that every child will be a confident member of each community they belong to, starting with our Fircroft Family.

Implementation: What does PSHE look like at Fircroft?

Our curriculum is bespoke; it has been created by our staff to reflect and meet the needs of our pupils and the wider school community, whilst meeting all the statutory requirements of health and relationships education.

It is a spiral curriculum comprised of six whole school, half-termly themes:

Fircroft Family – pupils learn to appreciate the importance of family and understand that all families are different. We encourage children to think about and discuss what makes a ‘family’ and to appreciate that ‘family’ means different things to different people. As a result, pupils also explore their role at Fircroft and the importance of following agreed rules.

Together We’re Stronger – pupils explore what it means to be a good friend, the importance of respect and how to manage conflict. This theme coincides with Anti-Bullying Week, which is marked through assemblies and class activities.

Every Mind Matters – pupils identify different types of feelings – both positive and negative, they explore strategies to manage them and pupils identify the importance of self-respect and self-worth.

Every Body Matters – this theme focuses on physical health and pupils learn about the range of factors that help maintain a balanced, healthy lifestyle including dental health, exercise, nutrition and medicine.

Safe and Sound – During this theme pupils learn the importance of being safe – at home, when out and about and online. They also learn about the importance of giving permission and seeking it.

Future Ready – through this theme, pupils explore different types of careers, the jobs they may want to do when they are older and about finances and managing money. As the theme ends, pupils discuss the transition that they are about to embark upon, be it to a new year group, a new part of the site or a new school!

In addition to our planned curriculum, PSHE is responsive and we will always address issues that have arisen within the school community and beyond.

The progression for each theme is carefully planned from Early Years to Year 6 as you will see from our Knowledge Progression Map below:

PSHE Knowledge Progression

We take all opportunities to share a love of reading and books with children, so each theme has linked texts for each year group:PSHE Focus Texts

Impact: How do we support children to retain their knowledge and check that they have?

As our curriculum is a spiral one, it supports children to retain and build upon prior learning.

In addition, we check children have understood and can recall prior learning by:

  • Contributions to class and peer discussions
  • Reflecting on prior themes and talking about what they have learnt
  • ‘Sharing sessions’ with SLT and subject leaders: a selection of children from each class show their books and talk about their PSHE learning.
  • Looking at evidence in children’s books