Clubs & Extra-curricular Provision
Spring 2025 Clubs
Our spring term clubs will run from Monday 13th January, for 10 weeks, until Friday 28th March 2025.
Summer 2025 Clubs
Our summer term clubs will run from Monday 28th April, for 10 weeks, until Friday 11th July 2025.
Monday clubs will run for 9 weeks, until Monday 14th July, due to a Bank Holiday and an INSET Day.
General Club Information
We are really proud of the wide range of extra-curricular activities that we offer at Fircroft. Before school and when the school day ends, our halls and playgrounds are buzzing with children having fun and exploring new interests.
Clubs are an important part of life at Fircroft and with over 20 clubs each term, we believe clubs offer children the chance to broaden their life experiences, improve their fitness and develop their teamwork skills. We ensure that pupils who are eligible for the pupil premium grant are able to take part in one free or subsidised club each term.
If you have any queries or suggestions please email us:
WSCP Leaflet for parents regarding Sports Clubs
What to wear
If your child has a sporty club that is not on their PE day, please send them to school with suitable footwear and a pair of shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms to change into.
It may be easier for reception children to come to school in jogging bottoms for their sporty clubs. Children will remove shoes and socks for Yoga so please ensure your child is able to do this independently.
PE kit should only be worn to school when your whole class has PE.
A reminder of our PE kit can be found on our School Uniform page.
Collection from Clubs
Children must be collected by an appropriate adult promptly at the end of each session, 4:30pm. Year 5 and Year 6 children may walk home by themselves if the school has received written permission from parents/carers.
Persistent late collection may result in your child being removed from a club.
If your child will be attending our after school provision from 4:30pm, please ensure you have notified them.
If someone else other than yourself will be collecting your child, please email or telephone the school office to confirm this.
Pupil Premium - one free/subsidised club
- Pupils eligible for Pupil Premium Funding are able to receive ONE free/subsidised club per term (3 clubs over the academic year) at a maximum of £40 per club
- Please note there are no pre-allocation letters for PPG pupils, parents of pupils who are eligible for a free club should request a club through the same online preference form
- If your circumstances have changed and you feel you may be eligible for Pupil Premium Funding, please speak to the school office
All payments are to be made via School Gateway. To set up your account please click the link below:
If you need help with any aspect of clubs bookings, please email us:
Photo Gallery
Newspaper Club
The students in Newspaper Club worked incredibly hard on their student newspaper, the 'Fircroft Termly'. It includes articles, features, puzzles and comics all written by our wonderful Fircroft students.
Click the links to read the online versions:
Indian Dance Club Videos
Out Indian Dance Club members performing in our Diwali Assemblies.